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Showing posts from July, 2019

Discovery Of X-Ray Telescope (1978)-WordsEnclave

NASA  launches a super- sensitive, orbiting telescope. X-ray are absorbed by Earth's atmosphere to see them. NASA's Uhuru ( 1970) and the United Kingdom's Ariel V (1974) were spin-stabilized satellites that discovered around 400 bright X-ray sources. Astronomers realized that X-rays  provide vital clues to the death- throws of stars, specifically supernova explosions and the final transitions to white dwarf, neutron star, and black hole states. X-ray are a vital component of the radiation coming from energetic events such as solar flares. Tow technical advances helped the development of space telescopes. One was the construction of advanced confocal mirror systems and the other was the development of two-dimensional X-ray imaging gas scintillation proportional counters. Using these, the United States launched the first orbiting satellite containing a fully imaging X-ray telescope, the High Energy Astrophysical Observatory-2 ( HEAO-2), in November 1978. HEAO-2 was renam...

Discovery Of WEBCAM (1991) - WordsEnclave

Live images join the world of cyberspace. The first webcam in the world was born from the desire of computer science students at Cambridge University, England, for fresh coffee. Having only a single coffee pot situated at some distance from the computer labs meant that a freshly brewed supply soon ran out. To overcome this difficulty Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Paul Jardetzky had the idea of focusing a camera on the coffee pot. A computer with a simple frame grabber was connected to a camera, which was focused on the coffee pot. Jardetzky wrote a server program that   collected images from the camera every three minutes, while Staffoed-Fraser developed the software to run on the computer of all the members of the "Trojan Room coffee club". Connecting to the  sever then provided an up-to-date, icon-sized image of the pot on-screen. The camera was connected to the Internet in 1993 and become a popular symbol of the early World Wide Web. When the webcam was finally switc...

Discovery Of Java Computing Language (1995) - WordsEnclave

Sun Microsystems boosts the World Wide Web. In 1991 Sun Microsystems formed "the Green project" to create a new computer programming tool for the next generation. Trying to anticepate what would happen next in the computing world, the team led by James Gosling agreed that a likely future trend would see the convergence of digital consumer products with computer technology. Preplexed by the number of different types of computer platforms that existed, they decided to create a "write once, run anywhere" programming language that would work on any device. In order to interest the digital cable television industry, they mocked up an interactive home entertainment controller. However, the technology- featuring animations, a touchscreen, and a networking ability similar to the Internet- was so advanced that the companies could not see a use for it. But the team realized that the by allowing media and small programming language was a perfect match for the World Wide We...

Discovery Of World Wide Web (WWW) - WordsEnclave

Berners-Lee creates the world's first website. Tim Berners- Lee (b.1955) known lots about changing the world. There was a time when his web page were the only pages on the World Wide Web Born to parents who had met while developing one of the earliest computer, Berners-Lee studied for a physics degree from Queen's College, Oxford, then headed straight for  the computer industry. By 1998 he was working in Geneva,Switzerland, at CERN, the European particle physics laboratory. CERN was interested in finding a way by which groups of researchers could share information more easily. Berners- Lee saw the potential for marrying hypertext-a technique for linking documents together using clickable words- with the Internet, which was already heavily used by CERN, Working with colleague Robert Cailliau, he proposed a system he called the World Wide Web. The first web server was up and running by the end of 1990. At the time, Berners- Lee's "NeXT" computer did not have a ...

Holographic Memory (1970) - WordsEnclave

Caulfield, Soref, and McMahon develop a new form of data storage. While holography is commonly associated with three dimensional images, some of the most important developments have been in using holograms to store and retrieve information in optical form. Holographic memory was created by interference patterns between two sources of light, called the reference and signal, with lasers being the most precise. Instead of recording an image of an object, as with normal holograms, a set of  data can be capture instead. Binary data in the form of 1s or 0s can be represented by a pattern of light and dark. Holographic memory is still very much in development, but the pioneering work was done almost  forty years ago. In 1970s  Henry Caulfield (1873-1966) _ then principal scientist at the Sperry Rand Research Center in the United States _along with electrical engineers Richard Soref and Donald McMahon field the patent for "holographic data storage". In it they proposed holog...

Discovery Of E- Mail - WordsEnclave

Tomlinson develops  a program allowing communication between computer networks. In 1969 a company called Bolt Barenek and Newman won the contract to develop a communication network called ARPANET that would enable scientists and researchers to use each other's computer facilities. During its development, an engineer named Ray Tomlinson (b.1941) started to experiment with the coding of tow programs. SNDMSG allowed members of the same network to exchange messages among another, where CPYNET allowed file transfers to occur between two separate networks. It occurred to Tomlinson that by combining the two he could create a system that would make a message transfer possible between different users of independent networks. One of the most significant decision made by Tomlinson was his choice of the @ symbol to separate the user's name from host network name. It was a fairly a logical choice, but one that revived the rather esoteric symbol and saved it from the brink of linguistic...

Discovery Of INTERNET - WordsEnclave

Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) develops the first computer network. In 1963, the Advanced Research Project Agency ( ARPA ) unit, set up by the USA. Defence Department, began to build a computer network. Driven by fear of the Sovier nuclear threat, it aimed to link computers at different locations, so researchers could share data electronically without having fixed routes between them, making the system less vulnerable to attacks-even nuclear ones. Data was converted into telephone signals using a MODEM ( MO dulator- DEM odulator), developed at AT&T in the last 1950s. In the 1960s, key advances were made, including "packet switching"- the system of packing, labeling, and routing data that enables it to be delivered across the network between machines. Paul Baran (b.1926) proposed this system ,which broke each message down into the network, which would then route ("switch")the various pieces to the desired destination.So, if chunks of a message wer...

Food Containing Zinc By WordsEnclave

Zinc is an essential mineral and eating enough is important for maintaining good health.  These foods can be easy and delicious addition to your diet. 1. Meat Meat is an excellent source of zinc. A 100 gram serving of raw ground beef provides men 45% of their daily recommended zinc intake. 2. Eggs One large egg contain 5% of a man's daily recommended intake of zinc, as well as a host of other nutrients, including protein, healthy fats, vitamin B, selenium and choline. 3. Dairy Dairy food are good sources of zinc. They also contain protein, calcium and vitamin D, all of which are important nutrients for bone health. 4. Nuts  Nuts are a healthy and convenient snack that can boost your intake of zinc and many other healthy nutrients. 5. Legumes Legumes contain high amount of zinc. However, they also contain phytales, which reduce its absorption.  Processing methods like heating, sprouting, soaking or fermenting can help improve its bioavailability. 6. See...

Health Benefits Tips - WordsEnclave

Here are some healthy tips to keep your body fit and fine. 1. Five cup of green tea a day can help you lose weight, most of it around your belly. 2. Watermelon can help to relieve stress ans anxiety, as well as keep you energized and boost your metabolism. 3. Daytime naps have been proven to improve your memory and reduce your risk of heart diseases. 4. If you listen to music frequently it will reduce the risk of a brain tumor over the course of your    life. 5. The two most effective treatment for battling depression are exercise and spending time with pets. 6. If you drink enough water in the morning, you will be happier, sharper and more energetic through out the day. 7. Laughing for 15 mins has the same health benefits as getting 2 hrs extra sleep. 8. The ultimate detox water: 1/2 a cup cucumber, 1 lemon, 1 sprig of mint leaves and water. 9. Wants to burn fat faster? A cup of coffee before a workout speed up the fat burning process. 10. Scratch your ea...

Birth Of The Modern Age - WordsEnclave

Here are some things which are discovered in 1895. 1. Diesel Engine (1895) While it can be safely asserted that the diesel engine was, indeed, invented by Paris-born inventor Rudolf Diesel (1858-1913), it is not the case that we can attribute to him the very first "Diesel" engine. "Diesel Engine" has for sometime been the generic term used to describe any compression ignition (CI), internal- combustion engine, that is an engine that has no carburetor or spark plugs but instead injects a fuel oil directly into the cylinder. Because the piston has compressed the air therein so  tightly, it is hot enough to ignite the fuel with no spark. as a cold engine cannot ignite the diesel fuel, glow plugs are sometime used to preheat the cylinder/mixture. 2. Film camera/Projector (1895) It was the Lumière brothers-Auguste (1862-1954) and Louis(1864-1948)- who created the first practical film camera/projector, the Cinematograph. Despite the fact that it incorporated b...